Happy Birthday, Little Magician


Cut the cake and and pop the champagne - 1 year of motherhood is in the books!

Little Magician's 1st birthday went down last week. I was overcome with emotion and a touch of the flu, but still managed to pull off a great celebration of life with our family and friends.

In one year, so many cliched sayings and parables about time, motherhood, and love have proven why they're continuously passed down from generation to generation. Now I see why they say "Kids grow so fast." I see why motherhood is referenced as having your heart exist outside of your body. I see why the connection between a mother and child is one of the most powerful yet inexplicable things in the universe.

In one year, I've learned so much about myself, my daughter, my husband, and my own mother. I've begun to redefine and reshape things like success, family, marriage. I've reaffirmed my commitment to leaving my mark on the world and doing the work to help make this a better place for her. She's filled me with a new fearlessness and added a depth to my drive - on those days where I feel like I can't go any further, her presence has brought me a new reserve to dip into.

And what can I say about this little fireball who burst into my life on the first day of summer in 2014? She's smart and dramatic and a comedian who also loves a good joke. She thinks she can do the same things as adults and kids older than her, and won't believe any different. She has a thing for soca music and the trap songs her uncle plays for her (we've gotta cut that out soon), and has a newfound interest in Nina Simone. She hears music and she dances. She poops and she automatically props her legs up on the closest object to her. She sees me, and - most times- she smiles.


I learned (too late) that moms on mat leave can get a discount on their car insurance. I learned (right in time) that those shoulder slits on baby onesies aren't just to get them over their gigantic heads, but to give you room to roll onesies down over their bodies should you encounter an explosive poop situation. I'll never forget how important it is to request a visit from a lactation consultant before leaving the hospital. I've learned so many things to help with the next first year (should a magical sibling be in the cards), but for now I remember how fast time goes and make sure to stop, smell the roses, and learn with and from the little magical being I have with me right now.

I'm grateful for this little online space and the new inspiration motherhood has given me. If you missed them before, check out some of my fave posts over the course of this journey so far:

My first letter to my Little Magician 

Facing post-partum depression

My breastfeeding experience

Little Magician's first job

Here's to the year that was, and the many, many more to come. Happy birthday, Little Magician.